important IR

Context: Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's recent allegations, connecting the assassination of Khalistani leader 
Hardeep Singh Nijjar on Canadian soil to the Indian government, have brought attention to the intelligence-sharing 
alliance known as the 'Five Eyes.'
• The ‘Five Eyes’ is a multilateral intelligence sharing network of five countries, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, 
the U.K. and the U.S. 
• It is both surveillance based and tracks signals intelligence (SIGINT).
• The alliance between the U.S. and the U.K. evolved around the Second World War to counter the Cold War 
Soviet threat. 
• In 1946, the alliance was formalised through an agreement for cooperation in signals intelligence. 
• The arrangement was later extended to ‘second party’ countries – Canada joined in 1948, while Australia and 
New Zealand became part of the alliance in 1956. 
The Five Eyes have become involved in ocean and maritime surveillance, scientific and defence intelligence 
analysis, medical intelligence, geospatial intelligence, counterintelligence, counterterrorism, and the continuous 
sharing of intelligence products via a secret collective database known as ‘Stone Ghost’
• It is Manila based financial institution whose mission is to
help its developing member countries reduce poverty and
improve the quality of life of their people.
• It is owned and financed by its 67 members, of which 48
are from the region and 19 are from other parts of the
globe. India is also a member of this bank.
• It raises funds through bond issues on world's capital
markets and rely on members' contributions, earnings
from lending operations and the repayment of loans.
• Chairmanship of ADB is always allotted to a Japanese. Its
3 Deputy Chairmen belong to USA, Europe & Asia.
• Also known as BRICS bank
• During the sixth BRICS Summit in Fortaleza (2014), the leaders signed the Fortaleza Agreement establishing
the New Development Bank (NDB).
• It is headquartered in Shanghai, China.
• Unlike the World Bank, which assigns votes based on capital share, in New Development Bank each participant
country has assigned one vote and none of the countries has veto power.
• Expansion of Membership: Earlier only BRICS countries where members of NDB i.e., Brazil, Russia, India, China
& South Africa. However, the membership of BRICS Bank is open to all members of UN, in accordance with
provisions of Articles of Agreement of NDB. Membership is open to both borrowing and non-borrowing
members. Thus, Bangladesh, Egypt & UAE have become members of NDB in 2021.
• Prospective members: Egypt & Uruguay have been admitted as prospective members of NDB. Prospective
members are admitted by NDB’s Board of Governance and will officially become a member country once they
deposit their instrument of accession.
• Shareholding: NDB’s initial authorised capital was $100 billion divided equally into five initial members. Later
when Bangladesh & UAE become members of NDB, the shareholding of original members decreased.
Presently, Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa countries each have equal shareholding of 18.98%
each, Bangladesh has 1.79%, Egypt has 2.27% and UAE has 1.08% shareholding.
• AIIB is a multilateral development bank with a mission to improve social and economic outcomes in Asia and
beyond. It is headquartered in Beijing.
• The capital of the bank is $100 billion, equivalent to 2⁄3 of the capital of the Asian Development Bank and about
half that of the World Bank.
• India hosted the annual meeting of AIIB for the first time in June 2018.
• India is the second largest shareholder in AIIB after China and is also the largest recipient of funds from the
multilateral agency. India is its founding members.
Britain unveiled the “Bletchley Declaration” in collaboration with United States and China, with the objective of enhancing
international cooperation in the realm of artificial intelligence (AI) safety.
• The goals encompass fostering a collective understanding and accountability regarding the potential risks and
opportunities of cutting-edge AI, while also outlining a pathway for global cooperation in advancing AI safety
and research, with a focus on enhancing scientific collaboration.
• The declaration encouraged transparency and accountability from actors developing frontier AI technology on
their plans to measure, monitor and mitigate potentially harmful capabilities.
• This is a landmark achievement that sees the world's greatest AI powers agree on the urgency behind
understanding the risks of AI – helping ensure the long-term future of our children and grandchildren.
• NOTE: European Union is the first region or country to enact a comprehensive legislation to regulate
Artificial Intelligence.
