Inflation Indices: WPI Vs CPI Vs IIP

Wholesale Price Index 
. Base Year: 2011-12
.Measures the average change for bulk sale before the retail level.
. Most widely used inflation indicator.Covers only goods
. Manufactured products (64%)> Primary Articles (23%) >Fuel and Power (13%)
. Published by Office of Economic Adviser (OEA), Ministry of Commerce and Industry
Consumer Price Index 
. Base Year: 2011-12
. Measures the change in the retail price in the prices of commodities of goods and services with reference to a 
base year.
. RBI has adopted CPI Combined (Rural +Urban) as its key measure of inflation.
. Both goods and services
. Food and Beverage 45.86; Miscellaneous 28.32; Housing 10.07; Fuel and light 6.84; Clothing and Footwear 6.53; 
Pan, tobacco and intoxicants 2.38
. CPI for Industrial Workers (IW) by the Ministry of Labor and Employment(MoLE). The base year for CPI (IW) 
was changed from 2001 to 201.
. CPI for Agricultural Laborer (AL) by the MoLE. CPI for Agricultural Workers (CPI-AL) and Rural workers (CPI-RL) 
base. The year is 1986-87.
. CPI for Rural Laborer (RL): by the Ministry of Labor and Employment.
. CPI(Rural/Urban/Combined): by National Statistics Office (NSO),MoSPI.
Index of Industrial Production 
. Base Year: 2011-12
. Measures the growth rates in different industry groups of the economy. It is a key economic indicator of the 
manufacturing sector of the economy.
. Index of 8 core industries are: Refinery Products > Electricity > Steel > Coal > Crude Oil > Natural Gas > Cement> 
. These 8 industries command 40.27% weight in the overall IIP weight in the overall IIP.
. Different Sectors: Manufacturing (77.63%) > Mining (14.37%) > Electricity (7.9%)
.The IIP index is computed and published by the Central Statistical Organization (CSO) on a monthly basis
