World mapping 2
01 Kilauea
The Kilauea volcano erupted recently. It is the youngest and most active shield volcano, located
on the southern part of the Island of Hawai'i, known as Big Island. It has a large summit caldera
with a central crater.
02 Al-Hakim
Indian Prime Minister visited the 11th Century Al-Hakim mosque. It is located in Cairo, Egypt. It
is named after Al-Hakim bi-Amr Allah, the Fatimid caliph. The mosque was inscribed as a UNESCO
World Heritage Site in 1979.
03 Chhukha hydro
India agreed to an upward revision of tariff of the Chhukha hydroelectric project. It is a run-of-
the-river project, located in the south-western part of Bhutan.
04 Mayon volcano Mayon volcano has erupted recently. It is an active volcano in southeastern Luzon, Philippines. It
is called the world’s most perfect volcanic cone because of the symmetry of its shape.
05 Fraser island The government of the Australian has changed the name of Fraser Island to its traditional name
K'gari. It is located on the southeast coast of Queensland, Australia, separated from the mainland
and the port of Maryborough by Hervey Bay and Great Sandy Strait. It is the largest sandy island
in the world. The island belongs to Butchulla people, who are also the guardians of the land.
06 Anak Krakatau
Anak Krakatau volcano has erupted recently. It is located in Indonesia’s Sunda Strait between the
main Java and Sumatra islands.
07 Diego Garcia
It is a coral atoll, the largest and southernmost member of Chagos Archipelago, in Indian Ocean.
It is a part of the British Indian Ocean Territory and discovered by the Portuguese in the early
16th century.
08 Kafue National
Kafue National Park is witnessing a remarkable resurgence in its lion and leopard populations. It
is the largest national park in Zambia. It is named for the Kafue River.
09 Signy Island Eretmopteramurphyi (tiny insect) has been altering the soil composition on Signy Island. It is a
small subantarctic island in the Antarctica. The flora of the island is cryptogams i.e. plants
reproduce via spores rather than seeds. And the island has only two flowering plant Antarctic
hairgrass and Antarctic pearlwort.
10 Belize The World Health Organization (WHO) has certified Belize as a malaria-free country. It is located
on the northeast coast of Central America and south of the Yucatan Peninsula. Along the coast
of this country, there is Belize Barrier Reef which is the 2nd-largest barrier reef in the world after
the Great Barrier Reef
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